Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm back!!!

So it' s been quite a while since I last blogged.  Honestly....I got bored.  Which if you knew me, wouldn't surprise you. It happens often - I start something new it's great for a while, then as soon as i've "mastered" it or found something else new, I move on.  It' s a wonder i've managed to stay married for over 7 years!  Maybe that's why the hubby has let me buy alot of shoes during the course of our marriage.  Offerings!

When i'm upset, he gives me "sacrifices", for instance - he'll buy me chocolate bars, or let me eat some of the food off his plate, or some new clothes.  It's just how it works in a marriage to keep the balance and for everyone to stay alive and keep all body parts.

Seriously speaking, we don't fight alot, and if we do it's a very mature fight - more like a disagreement.  My husband just doesn't yell.  One day we were disagreeing about something and he said to me, "I have to apologize".  I said, "About what???" He said, "That I yelled." I' was confused - , "You yelled?  When?".
He is so soft and gentle like a roll of Charmin - or like cotton candy.  He thinks if he raises his voice a bit he is yelling - it's cute.  I don't yell either but I tend to get very heated and passionate about proving my point. Deep down I think I believe that I can change anyone's mind about anything.  Wrong!

The worst part of our relationship is that we are completely opposite.  The beauty of our relationship is that we are completely opposite.    Yes - I said that on purpose.  It is on one hand a downfall because not only are we man and woman who speak different languages, we are also motivated and inspired by different things, move and speak at different paces, and think differently because of our different personalities.  I'm not soft and sweet.  I'd like to be, but then I'd melt too quickly in the rain and be of no use to anyone!  He's the soft and sweet one. I'm more like rock candy.  It takes alot longer to melt if you put me in water!  We both have our roles, our purposes and our place in our marriage.  Neither is better than the other - just different.  We are still working on fully appreciating our differences.

I wasn't planning on blogging about our marriage.  I guess it's what came out of my fingers today.  Just to warn you, my blogs will be random for the most part.

Also, if you happen to bump into Martin, ummm I hope he's ok I wrote about this stuff I kinda never mentioned it to him first (the whole random thing) so...mums the word.



  1. I think this a better fit for you than an accountability blog for a single undertaking. Congrats! Look forward to following your random thoughts.

  2. Yay...you're back...now my life will be interesting again! LOL

    Rock on, Candy! LOL

  3. You are hilarious Mich & I like your thought patterns, random is fun!
