Thursday, June 10, 2010

Liking Biking!

I love to bike. Bicicyling that is - not motorcyling - although I'm sure i'd like that too.  On Saturday I was asked if I find it scary biking with traffic.  I responded that I don't find it scary,in fact I find it thrilling - it's sort of like my form of bungee jumping.  Knowing that one wrong move by either me or the vehicle could end me up splatted on the road.  Twisted I know!!!  Other things I find frightening - talking to strangers, sharks, spiders big and small, but not biking next to cars.  In fact if the road is empty I find it very boring.  Mind you I'm biking approximately 25-40km/h depending on the wind.  Which brings me to the next point.

Last nite I felt inspired to go for a bike ride at 8pm. So I did.  I put on all my gear (love the camelback for water!) and starting biking east.  I had no idea where I was going but that was the exciting part.  So I started biking down Riverside Drive.  The tail wind was great and I was up to 54.5km/h at one point!  (Almost as fast as slow drivers!).  12kms down Riverside I hit a bump and all of a sudden my seat starts moving backwards!  I tried to readjust it but it got worse and worse.  Good thing I had my cell phone, called hubby he came and fixed it.  I decided I better head back only to find that I am now against the wind.  Aiyai yai yai ya.   My legs hurt from peddling so fast and now the wind!  This happens all the time while biking...hitting a point where it is no longer a physical game, but a mental game.  I had to bear down and convince myself that I could do this.  I had to purpose my thoughts on positive ones, not allowing the negative thoughts (that I can't do this) to affect me.  Sure enough I made it home in one piece.

I felt that I had accomplished big things even though it wasn't that long of a ride (1hr).  I had overcome me (my worst enemy)!  I think that it why I really like biking....the mental stimulation.  It causes me to grow.

Anyhoo there are so many life lessons in this......if we were to just push out negative thoughts and only allow positive ones in, what could we accomplish?  What things do negative thoughts keep us from doing?

Toodles :)

1 comment:

  1. That's one of my fears on a long bike ride. A flat tire or other breakdown. It happened once on a long bike ride on the Greenway that I simply "bonked". My legs refused to peddle any more. I was in the middle of no-where. Fortunately Shawn was with me and he rode ahead, got the car and picked me up (I had to walk to the closest intersecting road & wait). It was a memorable experience!
